miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

United States of Japan, by Peter Tieryas

(You can also read this review in Spanish/También puedes leer esta reseña en español)

Disclaimer: Please, note that English is not my first language. I apologize in advance because I know there could be some mistakes in the text below. I’m trying to improve it, thanks.

As you can see next to these lines, so far this year I enjoyed a lot of good readings. And certainly one of the best has been United States of Japan, by Peter Tieryas.

United States of Japan is a curious novel. The book is also an ucronía and a science fiction novel, and as sure both facets have the aim to entertain, the novel has a plus to offer that makes a very interesting reading.

The beginning is unusual. Of course It is not the first author who writes a novel based on a work of another writer (this is something old, it come to my memory the sequels of Asimov's Foundation) (I have not read those, but I can imagine it is an alternate universe in which I won the lottery and have much free time to spare and it's worth reading the novels). In our case, Mr. Tieryas bases on the universe created by Philip K. Dick in his masterwork The Man in the High Castle. Of course, I could not do this review without making my homework so I had no choice but to pay attention to (ahem!) the cry of all the known galaxy that has always advised me to read it. As expected, I regret not having done it before, now I can understand why it is considered a masterwork.

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

Entrega premios Ictineu e Ignotus - EuroCon 2016

Ayer tuvo lugar la entrega de premios Ictineu e Ignotus, en el marco de la EuroCon que se está celebrando estos días en Barcelona.

Por mi parte, no he asistido a esta convención pero sí he podido escaparme a la ceremonia de entrega de estos galardones a las mejores obras en catalán y en castellano respectivamente.

Librerías y tiendas de la EuroCon
Sin entrar en detalles, asumiendo que otros blogs como Sense of Wonder (por cierto, uno de los premiados de ayer) seguro que proporcionarán amplia cobertura de la BCon, os cuento brevemente mis impresiones de la ceremonia.

Como siempre en estas ocasiones tuve el placer de saludar a un montón de amigos y amigas con los que normalmente solo puedo conversar via redes sociales, y tambíén de desvirtualizar a otros que aún no conocía personalmente. Gente encantadora, lo mejor de estas convenciones.

Inicio de la ceremonia